Medical Device Data Collection

The importance of data collection

Data collection in the healthcare field enables the creation of holistic views of patients, personalization of treatments, improved treatment methods, communication between physicians and patients, and clinical outcomes.

For a company, collecting data means keeping active monitoring on safety and performance during actual use and then associating results with patient and study variabilities. It is a mandatory tool during clinical investigations, but critical for any other activity: post-market clinical follow-up, adverse event/incident recording, customer surveys.

It is a time-consuming activity, but one that can be facilitated through smart and flexible tools.

Lasciatemi qualche dettaglio sulla vostra richiesta

Greenlight Guru’s Smart-Trial offers a fully digital solution to reduce the workload and costs associated with data collection. Unlike traditional EDC (Electronic Data Capture systems), Smart-Trial offers a customized solution for clinical data collection in the MedTech sector. In Italy, unfortunately, too many paper CRFs (Case Report Forms) are still used, which increase work hours and decrease the reliability of the result (which will have to be manually transferred to some excel file). With Smart-Trial, it is possible to build an entire clinical study or a simple questionnaire directly with online software. The fully customizable forms can be quickly filled out by doctors during a visit, or in the case of PRO (Patient Reported Outcome) directly by patients on a tablet or via email.

For more information, fill out the form above.

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