Tailor-made science

A company produces or sells something it believes in to help patients and improve physicians’ practice. A company is looking for a scientific consultant who will take a product or service, study it thoroughly, evaluate it, grasp its potential, and suggest the tools needed to enhance it.

Scientific literature review

To build the bibliography of a product, brochure, or presentation, and to make scientific rationales that can promote the use of a device.

Medical device data collection

A product must provide data in order to exist and to succeed. We get this with smart tools and in compliance with regulations and standards.

Paper & report drafting

In collaboration or ghostwriting, any draft stages: design, writing, editing, data analysis. How to enhance the science of your product or service through the most appropriate communication tools.

MDR support for PMS and PMCF

Implementation of surveillance, clinical follow-up, and clinical evaluation plans and reports for the new Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 in accordance with MDGC guidelines and referenced ISOs.

My vision

I founded Sciently to provide scientific advice to manufacturers, distributors, and physicians in the world of medical devices and scientific services. I collaborate with research institutes, industry experts, and sales networks. I build and enhance the scientific value of a product to let it be a leader in its target market. I help companies deal with what they fear most: clinical regulatory requirements, ethics committees, and peer-reviewed scientific journals.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    [email protected]